
We Specialize in Minimally Invasive


Hemerrhoid Removal

Minimally invasive treatment - If after conservative therapies have unpleasant symptoms, you may want to consider minimally invasive method. The largest number of procedures involves one-day surgery. For treatment of internal hemorrhoids recommend the following treatments.

Rubber band ligation - a rubber band ligation is the most widely used procedure. It is successful in about 70 to 80 percent of patients.

Rubber bands or rings are placed around the base of internal hemorrhoids. As the blood supply is disabled, hemorrhoids decrease and degenerate are within a few days. Many patients complain of feeling "tightness" after the procedure, which can be facilitated by using the warm bath. Patients are encouraged use of fiber supplements in order to prevent the occurrence of constipation.

If the rubber band waste may occur later bleeding, usually two to three days after the procedure. In some cases, five to seven days after the procedure that part becomes sensitive. Other, less frequent complications of rubber band ligation are severe pain, thrombosis hemorrhoids and other localized infections or pus (abscess). Rubber band ligation rarely causes weight complications.

The laser, infrared, or bipolar coagulation - These methods are used for the destruction of internal hemorrhoids using laser, infrared light, or heat.

Sclerotherapy - During sclerotherapy a chemical compound is injected into the tissue of hemorrhoids that leads to the destruction of tissue and scar formation. Sclerotherapy may be less effective than rubber band ligation.

SURGERY Hemorrhoids - If in spite of traditional and minimally invasive treatments and still have hemorrhoids, it may be necessary surgery to eliminate. Surgery is the most commonly used therapy for large internal hemorrhoids.